
The work to secure a Democratic trifecta in 2024 starts now.

For the next two years, Indivisible is committed to building towards winning back our Democratic trifecta so that in 2025, we can reform the filibuster, codify abortion rights, pass democracy reform, and more. To do that, in 2023, we’ve got to be clear-eyed about the most strategic targets to focus on: the 18 Republicans in the House who won districts in 2022 that President Biden carried in 2020, or, the Unrepresentatives.

Right now, the Unrepresentatives are flying under the radar intentionally to avoid being associated with MAGA’s dangerous vision for America and the worst actors of their own party. But the truth is they’re enabling them every single day. To win, we’ve got to make them famous locally for their complicity at every opportunity and bring more people over to our side.

So, how are we going to do it?

To expose the Unrepresentatives, it’s going to take a massive amount of accountability work, national tools and infrastructure, creative awareness-building tactics, and deep investments in grassroots organizing on the ground.



Expose the 18’s Extremism


At the national level, we’ll use our megaphone to show the world how the Unrepresentatives are uniquely positioned to either fight or enable MAGA – and make sure everyone knows about it when they make the wrong choice. We’ll shine a light on their support for extremism, help local groups and activists as they put together media-getting local events, and invest heavily in other tactics we know work to maximize exposure, from digital and newspaper ads to billboards, radio spots, even airplane flyovers. When they talk like a moderate at home but vote in lockstep with Marjorie Taylor Greene, they won’t get away with it unnoticed.

Boost local power


Indivisible stands apart in our ability to do the hard work in these 18 districts for one very important reason: we’re already there.  Our network of local Indivisible groups and activists on the ground have a powerful role to play in the fight against MAGA, and our national team of Congressional wonks, team builders, and digital and communications experts will organize hand-in-hand with our in-district volunteer armies. Using the cohort model of engagement we’ll work together to develop escalating campaign plans, creative event ideas, and strategies to maximize exposure locally. With your help, we’ll even provide grants and other direct financial support to local groups to strengthen their organizing efforts and expand their reach. 

Organize for accountability


Our team will monitor the activities of the Unrepresentative 18 daily to identify strategic opportunities for constituent pressure and accountability. When it meets our criteria for engagement – issues that are salient and in the news, where the MAGA position is unpopular and ours is wildly popular – we’ll be ready. Using our rapid response toolkits and targeted messaging, our groups will have the resources they need to take action, everything from call scripts and social media toolkits to letter-to-the-editor templates and event plans. We’ll use our digital and communications teams to activate in-district widely and help recruit new members to grow our movement.

Grow the movement locally to win


All of the work that we’re taking on in 2023 is designed to expose the Unrepresentatives’ extremism in the districts they represent, and highlight how they’re choosing Kevin McCarthy and the MAGA agenda over the needs of their own voters. We’ll work strategically to support groups in growing capacity, and make deep investments to bring new activists into the fight. We’ll talk to voters about the issues and personal freedoms at stake and show them over and over and over again how the Unrepresentatives are putting them and their district last. We believe that if we do that, we can bring voters into our coalition to win in 2024. It’s hard work but we were built for this fight, and we’re ready to build a critical bridge between now and when the first door is knocked for the 2024 cycle.

Our plan to win costs more than $2 million in 2023 — and we need your help

Real-talk: working for the next two years to hold the 18 Republicans in Biden-won districts accountable won’t be easy — it’ll take a massive awareness campaign to expose the truth of their MAGA complicity to people in their districts, constant support of groups and activists for ongoing accountability work, and a growing grassroots presence on the ground ready to do the work to win. It’ll also take millions of dollars. We have the people and the plan to get it done, but we need your help.